Welcome to the Natiom

This page was created for the only purpose of bringing the farmville communities together noting else, we are here to have fun.

How To Level Up Fast

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Use this method to level up a Dummy account from level 1-100 in 10 mins and use the Cash to send your Real account Items.

If you use on Real Account be aware it will fill up your giftbox with Fuel

Unlock Giftbox

Monday, October 25, 2010

What you need



Giftbox Plugin


1-Download Bot and install it

2-Download Winrar and install it

3-Download Gifbox plugin and extract it to your desktop

4-open the giftbox folder you extract until you see only giftbox

5-drag that folder to C:\FarmVilleBot_2.1\plugins

6-Sign in to facebook via IE and check keep me login

7-run the bot and let it run one cycle

8-the next starting cycle stop it and go into plugin and select giftbox

9-under giftbox click setting and enable selling then click on giftbox and to the MC items click Add to selling and that is all let the bot run a cycle and your giftbox will be unlock 

Get Any Items Using Bushel

Sunday, October 24, 2010

1.Open your farm
2.Start charles
3.Enable breakpoints
4.Look inside crafting cottage.Search for a bushel which is not available with your friends.
5.Now click "ASK" and then "SHARE"
If you dont see ask option just buy all the bushels of a specific crop and then it will be there.
6.Charles Pops up.
EDIT REQUEST --->change the 2 letter short code to whatever item you want-->EXECUTE.
charles will pop up again.execute 2 times further till you get a pop up to share in your farm.
Disable breakpoints.

7.Now click share and post it on your friend,neighbours or just copy the link and click from your dummy.
8.Login your dummy and send that item.(have patience and make sure you have sent it correctly or else you will get gifterrors which you don't want.
9.Log back to your main and accept that item and if you have made no mistakes,no gifterrors it will be in your GIFTBOX:D

NOTE1.While sending items from your dummy you can open multiple tabs and send the same item multiple times.
2.While accepting gift requests on your main notice that you are not getting any gifterrors.If you get any gifterrors it will take you straight to the farm with no gift.Even after doing all the steps correctly some accounts cant get the items.(REASON -dunno).
3.You can "ask bushles" only at INTERVAL OF 4 HRS..So have patience while trying it out.
4.This method DOES NOT work forFV CASH .So do not waste your valuable attempts trying for that.
Credit to the people at Fvelite Forum
Find Codes To The Items Here Farmville Roosters Group

Unreleased Candycorn Pony

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Unreleased Turkey Coop

Unreleased Turkey Coop So What Are  You Expecting To Collect From This Babies?

                                 Stage 1
Stage 2
Finish Turkey Coop


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Grab A Beer :D

Halloween Basket

Lets Hope We Get It In Tomorrow Update So We Can Trick Or Treat Early :P

Candy Basket

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Trick Or Treat Give Me Something Good To Eat
save up that Candy because Candy Basket are coming soon.
you can find candy by visiting your neighbors haunted house! BOOOOOO

Haunted House

Get The Haunted House First Before Anyone Else
  1. Load Farm with breakpoint on
  2. excute first request 
  3. in the 2nd request/edit response expand data
  4. expand the experiment folder 
  5. look for fv_haunted_house_buildable and change integer to string and input 1 
  6. click execute/ turn off breakpoint and refresh farm 
  7. if you don't see the pop up to start building the haunted house look for it under buildings 

you should all be experts by now, if you have any question feel free to ask in the chat.

Some Unreleased Items

Some Of This Items May Become Available In Tonight Update






Truco Para 200 Cash

Sunday, October 3, 2010

primero tienen que crear una cuenta desde cero osea iniciar la aplicaciĂ³n.

1. creamos la cuenta y ya teniendo todo listo ya confirmada y todo por email. Agregamos la aplicaciĂ³n del juego dando permitir.
2. luego nos sale un mensaje de permitir el envĂ­o de correo electrĂ³nico ahĂ­ daremos no permitir asĂ­ como se muestra la imagen.

3. al cargar la granja nos saldrĂ¡n muchos mensajes de inicio del juego hacer todo para que no haya ninguna interrupciĂ³n a la hora de hacer el truco cuando ya no te salga ningun aviso de zynga cargar charles...
4. Ir al market en decoraciones buscar el buzĂ³n de email de las palomitas estando ahĂ­ activar breakpoint. Y dan Allow Emails.

5. SaldrĂ¡ un mensaje dar click en Update.

6. Ahi les volverĂ¡ a salir lo que al principio les pidiĂ³ permitir la aplicaciĂ³n de enviĂ³ de emails en esta vez daremos permitir.

7. Charles hara un Pop y van a edit resques, luego amf, en params cambian el string (pigeon) por consume_cash_7eleven_200 dan 2 executes, quitan el breakpoint y cierran charles, regresan a la granja y actualizan el navegador.

8. Por ultimo al refrescar el navegador en su GiftBox encontraran esto y ya podrĂ¡n enviarse cualquier articulo que se pueda enviar desde el market a su cuenta

200 Cash Glitch

What u will need:

- Brand New Farm
- Charles


1. Create a new Facebook/Farmville account. When logging into Farmville for the first time, click Don't Allow for the Email Permissions Request.

2. Once the farm loads, click through all the bulldoo-doo until you are just on the farm, no pop-ups.

3. Open the market and go to Decorations and find the pigeons.

4. In Charles, enable breakpoints.
- This method was written for FV Elite
5. Back in the market, click on Allow Emails. You will get 3 pop ups on the farm, click Update, Allow, and Okay.

6. You should now recieve a pop up in Charles. Click on the Edit Request tab at the top and then the AMF tab on the bottom, expand the
params + and change the line pigeon to consume_cash_7eleven_200.

7. Execute 2 times, disable breakpoints, and refresh the farm. The 200fvc should now be in your gift box.

8. Now use the stimulus to get the 3fvc, get the 10fvc from installing the game bar, etc.
link to stimulus -->
link to gamebar -->

Founded By Farmville Bot Forums

Getting Mule

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Steps to getting the mule with out having to play Frontierville

  1. get a placeable item out of your gift box
  2. turn on breakpoints
  3. then place it
  4. edit the request change item name to mule and isgift to false
  5. execute refresh farm

Instruction for dummies
  1. open Charles and go into farm
  2. once farm is loaded go into giftbox
  3. turn on breakpoint
  4. place a item from the giftbox on farm
  5. when Charles pop up go into edit request and change item name to mule and Isgift to false
  6. excute 2x turn off breakpoint and refresh farm
this also works for the new puppy dachshund_puppy_cash but it will cost you 65 FVcash so get the puppy at your own expense

Credit to Plinko 

Funny Post

You to can be the next Farmville Super Star.

  • Tons of friend request
  • girls will love you
  • your grandma will be proud
  • Zynga may hire you

What you need
  • Charles Proxy Program
  • 10hr+ of your day
  • understand XML-SWF
  • Fast PC
  • Cruise with Charles like it was your dad's Ferrari
  • Pop-Tarts and Red bull very important
  • be single or else your BF/GF may leave you "personal experience"
  • Have Fun

Unreleased Items

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

This Items Are Set To Be Release On Thursday Night, Date May Vary



Email From Zynga

Who else has gotten this email? yeah like all my missing stuff is really worth 50cash darn A(&(*&

Farmville Loading Screen

Get ready for some trick or treat on Farmville.